Prestaciones Laboral Honduras

by HectorMezaLab



The App "Calculator of Labor Benefits in Honduras" is a useful and free tool for all workers in Honduras. With a beautiful and easy-to-use interface, this application allows you to calculate your employment benefits in real time, without the need for annoying ads. You can calculate what your employer will pay you for Severance, Notice, vacations, Fourteenth and Christmas Bonuses, in a simple and precise way. The application allows you to enter your work data and obtain an accurate estimate of your benefits. In addition, it also allows you to compare and contrast your benefits with those of other workers. With this application, you can make sure that you are being paid according to the law and that you are receiving all the benefits to which you are entitled. Download "Honduras Work Benefits Calculator" today and start protecting your labor rights.It allows you to calculate:- Unemployment.- Notice.- Holidays.- Fourteenth month.- Bonus.